Some of you may know that I was in Newfoundland earlier this month. It’s a spectacular place (here are some photos). We went on a boat tour south of St. John’s hoping to see both whales and puffins. Before boarding, we noticed a white board that noted the day’s wildlife sightings. Whales weren’t listed. “Oh well,” we thought. Who can control such a thing? Our tour guide further cemented (or anchored?) the message, telling us that whale sightings are only so likely in the middle of August…
Cycling Through the Seasons
From maple festivals and everything pumpkin spice to Solstice celebrations and Seasonal Affective Disorder, our lives are very much influenced by the four seasons. Our moods can be impacted by shorter days or, say, by the rainiest year on record (hello, Pittsburgh in 2018). We feel free of winter’s clutches the first spring day we […]
The Wonder of Cold Weather Coaching
I offer personal coaching held outside on trails, working with clients who are in search of career fulfillment. Nature makes for a powerful setting for this work. Outside in nature, we’re more relaxed, more creative, and find that the space puts our own lives in proper perspective. The most frequent question that I receive about […]
My Best Gifts this Year
Most weren’t “things” at all As the year comes to a close, I’ve been thinking about the best gifts that I received this year. Four that touch both my personal and professional lives (and which generally involve the idea of “connecting”) are: The gift of nature. I recently took stock of the parks and trails I’ve […]
Some year-end inspiration in videos
I thought I’d end the year by sharing some of my favorite videos – ones that inspire me and perhaps will do the same for you. May you love fiercely, choose joy, and go outside to play this coming year! 1. Love Has No Labels PSA This one never gets old! 2. Starling […]
The Magnificence of Perseids
Like millions of others, I was out to see the Perseids meteor shower this morning. My wife and I groggily got out of bed at 2:30 and drove to Deer Lakes Park outside of Pittsburgh. There, the sky was noticeably darker, the stars noticeably brighter. The difference 40 minutes can make! And so there we […]
Nature-based coaching and the research on time spent outside
Forest bathing. Park prescriptions. Healing hikes. All are 21st century approaches to going outside in search of something more. We go to nature for better health, for reflection, and for personal growth and challenge. “Going to nature” may mean walking deep into the forest, pedaling along a city bike path, or simply sitting outside on […]
A Letter to Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Anne Morrow Lindbergh, three times now I’ve turned to you and the reflections you penned in Gift from the Sea. I started out this summer keen on sharing your ideas around simplicity. You wrote that the demands of daily life run counter to living the creative and contemplative lives. In your words, “The bearing, […]