Oct. 12 Workshop on Mindfulness and Single-tasking
I’m excited to share that I’m working with fellow coach Priscilla Robinson to present a workshop on mindfulness and single-tasking, “Absorbed in the Task at Hand.” We’ll host an interactive, nature-based workshop on Sunday, Oct. 12 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Is this workshop for you? We hope so! All of the latest research reminds us that we should “finish the task at hand” and that single-tasking blows multi-tasking out of the water. If you’ve been struggling to stay on task and make the most of your time, you might be interested in this discussion. If you want to go beyond “finishing” the task at hand and become “absorbed” in it, striving for mindfulness and being fully present in whatever moment you’re in, definitely join us on the farm. We’re capping the workshop at 10 people to ensure a rich, interactive, and personal discussion around the challenges we face in staying present and ways to overcome them. Learn more by viewing the flyer, Absorbed in the Task at Hand, and RSVP to amy@cycleforward.org or ppr532@gmail.com.